Our Mission
To eliminate the guesswork of college and career fit. We believe that most people make a lucky guess if they find a career that fits. It is time to make career fit a standard. Furthermore, in pursuit of our mission, we will be careful not to compromise value for flair; nor reliability for brevity.
Our Vision
To optimize the world’s talent supply chain. According to Merriam-Webster, optimize means to “make as perfect, effective, or functional as possible.” WorkforceXL® does just that: illuminates and presents the world’s Vocational DNA to maximize career fit.
Our Name
When pitching the beta of one of our programs to a school administrator, the conversation grew to be very philosophical. We eventually asked the administrator, “In your opinion, what is the purpose of education?” After a few seconds, the administrator responded, “to get anyone, from here to there.” The answer so simply explained what we are working toward as a company, we named the company H2T – meaning here to there.
Our Core Values
01 Obsess over customers.
We know, we know—every company says this, right? Well, this is what we mean. We continually and stubbornly are preoccupied with the experience of those who use our platform. From idea to execution, our customers will always be our first priority.
02 Competition is for losers.
Who wants to get up everyday just to compete? We want to win! By the minute, we are improving our products and services to two ends to enhance the capabilities of our customers, and to continually separate ourselves from competitors.
03 Own your part.
Smart is not a differentiator amongst our team. We are all smart. Therefore, we collectively choose virtue as the standard. We work to create products and services that are responsible. If we cannot help society, at the very least we will not cause harm.