Find the right fit for your future.

We assist employers in selecting the best talent with confidence. We help job candidates match to their desired jobs with ease. We take the guesswork out of career fit - start your free trial today!

Better people data.

laptop with screenshot

Whether you’re evaluating candidates or jobs, our approach is achieving the best fit.

Born from our own desire to hire the best fitting talent, we developed WorkforceXL®, a research-based assessment that provides reliable, actionable insights on how well candidates match to jobs. We were rarely impressed with skill assessments, culture fits, or personality tests – and the candidate experience was dismal. We wanted something better.  So we ventured to create a tool that accomplished more. With our proprietary VocationalDNA® technology, we built a tool that accurately correlates industry and work requirements, ensuring not just a good match but an excellent fit and user experience for all.

Delivering the best value through fit

Candidate VocationalDNA®

We refer to a candidate’s assessment results as their VocationalDNA, which has three components: aptitude, skill interest, and willingness. Through research, we determined these factors heavily contribute to success in role – much more than verbal or math scores that leave candidates feeling inadequate.

Employer Job Success Profile

Let’s start with what you already have. We deliver a success profile derived from your current top talent. New role to the org? We can provide our recommendation for you.

Ensuring Enough Qualified Talent

For most employers, getting applicants isn’t the problem – it’s ensuring you have enough qualified talent. Forget screening every application, our solution saves time for recruiters so their focus is only on passing the top candidates to Hiring Managers.

Faster, Effective Interviews for Hiring Managers

Maximizing time for Hiring Manager’s means prioritizing how they interview candidates. Our solution delivers effective interviewing by highlighting where Hiring Manager’s should spend their time further evaluating each candidate.

Masterfully Handcrafted for Awesomeness



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Working Hours : 09:00 – 19:00
Address : 44 Oxford Street, London, UK 22004
Phone : +380 22 333 555